
Introducing Elías Crespín...

11:59 a.m.

05/23/16 - The ground floor of the MALBA currently displays an artwork by Venezuelan artist (Paris resident), Elías Crespín (1965). It's a metallic mesh that hangs from the ceiling, a perfectly geometric spiderweb. Each corner of the piece is tied to an invisible thread and moves thanks to the work of computer-programmed motors. 
During a breakfast organised by the Museum, Crespín mentioned the influenced held on him by his grandmother, artist Gertrud Goldschmidt (Gego), who also had her exhibition at MALBA a few years back. It was she who taught him to work with wires. From his parents, both mathematicians, he learned to have no fear to algorithms and curve representations. With all this knowledge and hard work, circa 2002, he creates "Malla Electrocinética I" and, from that moment on, he never stopped.

Malla Electrocinética, by Elías Crespón
Stainless steel, weights, nylon, motors, electronic interphase.
These geometric choreographies, of such organic and poetic movement, are the result of a "behind the scene" that involves wires and complex electronic devices.
An artwork by Crespín is part of MNBA's permanent collection, donated years ago by a benefactor.  It was bought at ArteBA, at the request of the Museum's director of that time: Rodrigo Alonso. Unfortunately, it is not on display. The cinetic room would be a perfect setting, but since it only houses Argentine artists, there's no place for Venezuelan Crespín. We dare to suggest that it could be displayed, for example, at the entrance hall. The soft and harmonic movement of the piece would be an instant magnet to visitors entering the museum.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

