
Tiempo Circular at Espacio Pla...

1:50 a.m.

25/01/16 - The small museum in Palermo that houses the works of Argentine artist Eduardo Pla (1952-2012) is currently presenting an exhibition related with the International Digital Art Biennial entitled The Wrong. Under the name "'Tiempo Circular", 15 Argentine artists display their works in different disciplines and formats within the digital arts.
"Jellyfish", by Tomás Rawski & Mariano Giraud (2015)
3D print (plastic, water, motor and ink) / Measures: 27 x 17 x 17 cm
The starting point for all artworks is the virtuality, such as the little fountain made by Tomás Rawski and Mariano Giraud with a 3D printer, in the shape of a light blue jellyfish. The main theme of the exhibition is the "time in the internet" and each artist developed the project independently.
"The Game of Life", by Leo Nuñez (2015)
Installation (artificial life algorithm with nets and led lights)
Leo Nuñez' installation is the physical realization of the "The Game of Life", a cellular automat invented in 1970 by mathematician John Conway, to demonstrate that complex patterns come from very simple rules. The "game" consists in a net of cells, which can be alive or dead, and each one interacts with the surrounding 8 cells, according to diverse predetermined patterns.
"La circulación de los paralelos", by Alfio Demestre (2015)
Interactive sculpture (cell phones, opto sensor, bronze, alpaca) / Measures: 39 x 39 x 39 cm
In Alfio Demestre's work, we are asked to do a phone call to a number written in the base of the artwork. The aim is to explore and bring forward the nature of the relationship between humans and new technologies. We verify the bond created through communication, something that in the past could be considered magical or supernatural.
"Piezas para pantallas convexas", by Gabriel Rud (2015)
Video mono canal 4K (3D modelling Max Studio). 1 minute, in loop.
We are finally surprised by the video of a sculpture, both organic and mineral, which rotates on its axis. According to the artists, the piece represents a new way of creation: a sculpture modelled digitally. Red explores the mechanisms that relate artistic creation with the formation of a space rock to put in orbit in this complex morphological structure. 
The creative potencial of the artists on display is clearly highlighted, even if the exhibition space is rather bounded. The Wrong platform is a plus that increases the enjoyment. 

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

