Gravity & grace...

2:51 p.m.

An artist + a philosopher + a renovated shed = an exhibition of great beauty.
Jazmín López (Buenos Aires, 1984) is the artist who, inspired by Simone Weil's essay "Gravity and grace", gathered a group of her own 2015 works for an exhibition at the Galería Ruth Benzacar.
The space in itself was a challenge: a gigantic white shed, so large it feels like an abyss that causes extreme submission, like an altar from the past. However, the works are not afraid. Five paintings, three abstractions and two figuratives with romantic touches, all of them of extravagant proportions. The paintings seem unfinished, as if the artist has decided to take some time to think or to do something else.
La Gravedad y la Gracia, by Jazmín López
Galería Ruth Benzacar, 2015
La Gravedad y la Gracia, by Jazmín López
Galería Ruth Benzacar, 2015
One of the works presents the name of a famous French designer, but it is not complete. However, if you take a look up close, you'll find a detail, placed there almost randomly: a letter “S” which totally changes the meaning of what's written (DIOs, in Spanish is GOD). Of course, it feels very Pop Art, when brands and celebrities acquired religious status. Jazmín López repeats this, but in a more subtle way.
La Gravedad y la Gracia, by Jazmín López
Galería Ruth Benzacar, 2015
The Galería Ruth Benzacar stands out in the new Art neighbourhood blooming in Villa Crespo. It offers a space in which the works of the 21st century can truly shine.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
