Meet Martin Messier, Art's David Guetta...

7:27 p.m.

Messier is a composer, performer and video creator. The main subject of his work is music, but achieved through daily objects, such as sewing machines. Yes, the same Singer machine painted once by Berni, but in a totally different approach...
Sewing machine orchestra, by Martin Messier
Materials: sewing machines, microphones, microcontrols
To see the video-installation, click here.
Sewing machine orchestra perfomance, by Martin Messier
Materials: sewing machines / Technique: video
To watch the performance, click here.
With this dialogue between objects and sounds, the artist takes us to a different dimension, where daily objects gain new voice and re-invent themselves. Messier himself manipulates the sewing machines or the projectors to create the music during his performances, which makes his artwork quite brief: it's revealed while the artist executes it.
Projectors, by Martin Messier,
Materials:  Three 8mm projectors, 2 digital projectors.
To see the footage of the performance, click here.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
