
Love date...

5:25 p.m.

Happy Valentine's day!... A day to love each other à la Rodin....
The kiss, by René François Auguste Rodin (1889).
Material: Cast / Measures: 182 x 113 x 112 cm.
A passionate kiss in which she, as a snake, wraps the body of his lover in total surrender. However, he, in a straighter position, barely poses his hand on her hip. Doubt? Guilt?
Both lovers are seated on a hard to define surface, which the artist has decided not to finish. With this uncomplete-ness, plus the exaggerated monumentality, Rodin reminds us of Michaelangelo...
On the other side, the tension in the muscles and the organic movement of the young girl can be considered examples of Art Nouveau:
The Arts Dance, 1898.
Rodin believed the sculpture had the historic mission of giving monuments to the city. Fortunatelly, in Buenos Aires we have many examples of his talent...

To keep reading...
El Arte Moderno Del Iluminismo a los movimientos contemporáneos, by G. Argan (1998),  Madrid, Arkal.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

