
Deadly Sins in Carnival...

6:41 p.m.

Carnival holiday: four days to rest, celebrate, enjoy... And sin?
Les Péchés capitaux dominés par la Mort, by James Ensor (1904)
Technique: etching
Why not? And speaking of sins, here a small masterpiece by Belgian artist James Ensor, born in 1860. Death covers with its wings the seven Deadly Sins, depicted with skill as only Ensor could do.  From left to right: envy, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, pride and sloth. Impeccable representation of Greed taking away a bag of gold while Lust harasses a woman, causing her Wrath. Gluttony, as a fat man that can not stop eating. Meanwhile, Sloth sleeps...

You can see this work at the temporary exhibition now open at the MNBA: "Papeles Modernos. De Toulouse a Picasso."

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

