Those that stand out at International Fairs...

1:39 p.m.

10/04/23 - What follows is a brief list of artists who are safe values ​​in the art market. What makes one artist preferable to another? The quality of their work? The story that the work proposes? The international acclaim? Perhaps it is the sum of all of these. But there is no formula for success or talent.
In this post we show those that never cease to surprise us even though we see them again and again.


Pantheon Roma VI, by Vera Luther (July 15th, 2020)

Technique: unique gelatin print


Intercoms…, by Do Ho Suh (2019)

Technique: poliester fabric


How Many More?, by Paola PIVI (2022)

Technique: digital print


Laure Prouvost

ArtBasel in Basel


Tracey Emin

Galleria Lorcan O’Neill, Rome


Passage du Commerce-Saint-André, by Balthus (1952-1954)

Fundación Beyeler


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