
Mutatis Mutandis & Memento Mori

4:00 a.m.

06/19/17 - The Ungallery is currently exhibiting a series of artworks by Argentine artist Andrés Paredes (Misiones, 1979). The exhibition is divided into two different spaces. The first one, at the entrance of the gallery, bathed by natural light, is Mutatis Mutandis. What does it offer? A summary of what we already know in Paredes' artworks: the mud, the insects and the cutouts. It's his jungle universe all over, but with changes, hence the name Mutatis Mutandis ("changing what should be changed"). The insects and the cutouts have matured and the mud looks consumed and surrounded by skulls.

Mutatis Mutandis, by Andrés Paredes
Installation - Ungallery.
Paredes works on the mater and nature. The butterflies, the dragonflies and the cicadas are re-shaped: their wings are mixed up and their bodies enhanced. The cutouts gain a new dimension, some are illuminated and in others the insects present extraordinary new shapes. The thick foliage of Paredes' Nature is white and his skill with paper creates an amazing web where night insects look like trapped.

Mutatis Mutandis, by Andrés Paredes
Installation - Ungallery.
The second room displays a new work by the artist: Memento Mori. Four glass capsules wrap the visitors, who are trapped in a completely dark space and are asked to contemplate life and death through the glass.  Maybe Paredes chose to lock skulls, ambers and butterflies behind those glasses because of their metaphoric transparency: we see the cycle of life as we are reminded that we too are included in that cycle. This amazing installation results almost surreal and, in spite of the skulls and dead insects, of a very delicate beauty.

Memento Mori, by Andrés Paredes
Installation - Ungallery.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

