
2:15 p.m.

Touch the masterpiece… caress it… heal it… This professionals, priviledged among others, are in physical contact with the work of an artist. Closer than anyone, they have the opportunity to discover details that us, as plain spectators, never see. 
Ella Hendriks with Van Gogh's "The bedroom"
Thanks to this closeness, and with the help of technology, they can see with utmost precision the work of an artist and make visible the most minute brush-strokes, or those touches, almost hidden to human eye, centimetre by centimetre.
Oda van Maanen with Toulouse-Lautrec's "Young woman at a table"
Restoration is like a treasure hunt. During the process, the pieces of the puzzle are found giving clues to the professional about how the masterpiece was in its origins, before suffering the consequences of time.
Natalia, restorer from the MNBA

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
